25 April 2009

School Update 20-24 Apr

For Practical life exercise, the children were given the Dressing Frame for zipping exercise. They were shown how to zip and unzip on the dressing frame. After the presentation, Caden walked towards his bag and with a big smile confidently unzipped it. Dexton follow suit saying “bag” to himself as he unzipped the zipper. To unzip is an easy task to most of the children but zipping can be a challenge to some of them.

We introduced the colour ‘purple’ to the children. They were shown objects such as eggplant, Barney’s bag, purple flower, and leaves. Thanks to Dylan and Dextons’ mum for bringing some of the purple items to use as the teaching aids. When given purple paint, the children spontaneously made strokes and dots. They were quick to display their flair for artistic expressions. Kudos to our artist!

We introduced the concept of big & small. The children were given both big and small balls to compare. To reinforce the concept of small, the children entered into a dry pool filled with small balls, everyone started to pick up the balls and said ‘small ball’ to one another. There were merriment and laughter as the children picked and threw balls at each other but for the teachers the hard work was picking up after their fun.

The children had water play on Monday. After last week’s experience, they were more adapt and many more were willing to enter into the pool. Ryan and Wee Ren hopped into the pool without hesitation. Hurray!

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