10 October 2008

Dental appointment

Went for my dentist appointment this afternoon. As usual, my dentist told me how dirty my teeth are, I should try my best to brush and floss (which I did), and keep my teeth as clean as possible. My dentist suspected a wisdom tooth growth at my lower right side and has developed an infection, thus the sore. Recommended me to go to the dental polyclinic to get a referral letter to go to the hospital to have a x-ray done to check, if there's really a need to go through the surgical procedure to remove the wisdom tooth, it will be cheaper this way and I would be able to use my medisave to pay. I shall go to the polyclinic at tampines tomorrow morning before boy goes to work. Boy coming to fetch me later, I am going to pack my luggage now.

P.s. Will be attending yong hong's (my cousin) birthday party tomorrow night, be updated!

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