28 March 2009

School update 23-27 Mar

Ryan turned 2 years old on 23 March 2009. we would like to thank Ryan’s parents for the delicious cake and goodie bags

This week, the letter sound is ‘o’ as in octopus and orange. The children were given model of octopus and orange to explore. We followed up with orange tasting session. When the oranges were given to the children, some of them attempt to ‘bite’ the orange’s skin. After the teacher had peeled the orange, each child was given a small portion to taste. They seemed to enjoy it.

Ryan surprised the teacher by saying, ‘orange’ and showed her his index finger which meant ‘good’ to him. Caden, Caleb and Dexton were able to say the word orange quite clearly, and Mohin and Dylan were able to echo ‘rain’ after teacher.

In Mathematics , the children were taught the concept of ‘same’. They were given three objects, and all of them could identify the objects that are the same.

For practical life exercises, the children were introduced to threading using large wooden beads. Most of the children had difficulty threading, because their ‘pincher grip’ is not developed. But practise makes perfect, they will master this exercise in time to come.

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