Josephine / sokmee / baby Dylan
Me / frustrated baby Dylan / josephine
Thanks celestine for coming to pick baby Dylan and helping me with the baby-sitting. After fetching sokmee and josephine home, boy and me picked up the couple and headed for kaka's birthday celebration at carpenter street near boat quay. It's been years since the last time I stepped into a pub. The liquor is ultra expensive, so we ordered a barrel of beer equivalent to 3 jugs @ $60. I didn't drink much cause I need to drive, boy and the couple finished the barrel.
You realise how tall I am?
The couple (Whose hand is that?)
The boys
Fiz kor / me / moo (sorry fiz, I can't fetch you home, it's out of the way, paiseh...)
Moo / drug cal / me
Birthday boy / me / moo
Boy & me
You look nice in that striped tee. :D
My sister said I look FAT in that tee. =(
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