18 April 2008

Beloved granny

I remember when I was young, I cried silently in bed when I thought one day if my parents were to die and leave me, what will happen to me. Today, when I received my daddy’s call to hear from him that grandma had passed away, I stood there stoned, unable to believe my ears. Daddy’s voice sounded funny to hear and I wonder if he had cried. I never seen my daddy shed a single tear in my life, not even when grandpa had passed away three years ago.

From what daddy’s brief account, grandma slid into coma yesterday and was unable to wake up since, she left us this afternoon. We didn’t manage to see her for the last time. When I visited grandma last week at Tan Tock Seng hospital, I asked her if her leg still hurts, and she replied me weakly that her leg no longer hurts, and what hurts is her hand, because of the drip. From the conversation, I had not expected that she will leave us so soon. Before I left the hospital, I held her hand and said goodbye, and little to know, this is my very last goodbye.

To my beloved granny, I am glad you left with no pain and struggle. The suffering had ended, may you rest in peace. We will always remember you, forever.


Mrs. Lee said...

apologies can't make it for ur granny's wake but hope ur family is strong and well. my sincere condolences.

zcatz said...

Thank you. Words not spoken are heard with my heart.