29 July 2007

Congenital conditions

Baby Dylan has the below described conditions…

"G6PD Deficiency"

G6PD is an enzyme that helps strengthen the red blood cells walls. When deficient, the red blood cells break down more easily and produce more bilirubin (a yellow bile pigment in the blood). This condition is permanent. There are certain precautions that must be taken for the rest of his life:
- At every visit, tell the doctor or dentist that child has G6PD deficiency.
- Do not use mothballs on clothes and bedding.
- Do not give any traditional medicines such as certain herbs and beans such as san zi zi, fava beans (bian dou or kacang parang). Chemicals in mothballs, certain medicines, herbs and beans make the red blood cells break down in people with G6PD deficiency.
- Breastfeeding mothers should not take any of the above too as the chemicals can reach the baby through breast milk.
- Do not use any medicines without consulting a doctor.


Thyroid is a large gland, an iodine-containing hormone in the neck that functions in the endocrine system; it secretes hormones that regulate growth and metabolism.

Hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid, develops when the thyroid gland fails to produce or secrete as much thyroxine as the body needs. Because thyroxine regulates such essential functions as heart rate, digestion, physical growth, and mental development, an insufficient supply of this hormone can slow life-sustaining processes, damage organs and tissues in every part of the body, mental retardation, and lead to life-threatening complications.

As told by doctor, baby Dylan has to take a thyroxine sodium tablet everyday for the rest of his life to supplement the thyroxine his body needs. He will be visiting a specialist in NUH coming Wednesday for more screening. I was very upset that baby Dylan would have such a congenital condition, considering that both his parents are healthy. I am very worried that this condition will affect his growth, or induce other complications. God bless baby Dylan.


Baby Dylan is 10 days old today! Can see that he is still yellowish. Will be visiting his paediatrician tomorrow to check on his jaundice. It has been raining everyday for the past one week, I wanted to bring him for some sunlight every morning and late afternoon only to find the sun hiding from me. Luckily, the sun appeared for a little while this morning at 8+ am, so I brought baby Dylan downstairs for some sunshine, hopefully it helps.

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