15 January 2010

NurseryOne 11-15 Jan

The children were taught number rods one and two. They counted the red and blue rods. Most of the children were able to repeat after the teacher when counting the rods.

Sandpaper letter ‘f’ is given to the children to feel and trace. Letter sound ‘f’ as in feather, four, five, friends. Wee Ren, Dexton, Mohin, Markus, Natalie, Amanda, Amelia, Liya, Caden, Caleb, Ryan, Tyrone and Joen were able to make the sound of ‘f’ and name the related items shown to them.

Most of the children were able to do one knobbed cylinder with ease. They did the exercise with confident when teacher handed the materials to them.

This week the children learn about the Australian Flag. The children painted a blue background, and pasted the pre-cut shapes at the top-left corner. Next, they crush small pieces of tissue and pasted on the flag to represent the six stars.

The children learn that they can smell from their nose. They were given different things to smell, and the children could tell the difference by the expressions on their face.

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