02 January 2010

The new year

Dylan had a bout of fever for a couple of days right after christmas, too much goodies and cold drinks perhaps. For the whole of the week, he also had diarrhoea, about 3 to 4 times a day, not too serious. I am not sure if his diarrhoea had passed on to myself, I had stomach cramps for 2 days (nothing to do with my menstrual cycle), and just on the new year night, I threw up my dinner, and soon I am puking almost every 10 minutes.

It was terrible.

I asked him to take me to the 24 hour clinic a street away from our house, but he didn't. Brought me to changi hospital A&E instead. I was wheel-chaired in, with plastic bag in my bag, preparing to puke every minute. By then, I had already threw up everything, with an empty stomach, I continued to vomit. I am lucky there wasn't many people around, after he did the registering, my name was called out after my last vomit.

The doctor gave me a jab almost immediately after asking me what is wrong. I was put on drip for an hour plus and put under observation ward for another hour. The vomit stopped.

It was gastric flu, I was given MC for 3 days which happen to fall during the weekends. Boy says I like to fall sick during the weekends, so I do not really need to go on MC.

What a happening new year, isn't it.

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