22 January 2010

NurseryOne 18-22 Jan

The children were taught number rods one, two and three. They counted the red and blue rods. After that, the children arranged the rods from rod one to rod three. It may look like a simple task to us but it was very challenging to the children.

Sandpaper letter ‘i’ was given to the children to feel and trace. Letter sound ‘i’ as in ink, iguana, igloo, insect, india, india and inchworm. Wee Ren, Dexton, Mohin, Markus, Natalie, Amanda, Amelia, Liya, Caden, Caleb, Ryan, Tyrone and Joen were able to make the sound of ‘i’ and name the related items shown to them.

Amelia, Caden, Natalie, Dylan, Joen, Wee Ren, Edric,, Caleb, Khaizuran, Liya, Mohin, Dexton and Markus revised on different knobbed cylinders.

Ryan and Amanda were shown how to arrange 4 red rods in sequence. While Mytri, Jason and Tyrone were shown how to arrange the brown stair from broad to narrow.

Practical Life:
In practical life exercises, different spooning exercises were presented to Mytri, Dylan, Joen, Jason, Edric, Khaizuran, Liya and Dexton.

Caleb was presented the dry pouring from jug to jug exercise. Ryan, Amanda and Tyrone were presented with transferring objects using tongs, while Caden and Markus were presented the exercise of transferring using tweezers.

For Amelia, Mohin and Wee Ren, they practised walking on line with object in the tray. Last but not least, Natalie worked with pegging using large plastic pegs.

The children were introduced to a well loved animal in Australia – the kangaroo! They colored a picture of a kangaroo, and even made a kangaroo with a pouch and a little joey! After that, all the kids get to hold a soft toy kangaroo. “We love to cuddle the kangaroo!”

My Body: My Sense of Hearing
The children learnt that they can hear with their ears. They were given different percussion instruments to make different sounds. The children enjoyed listening to the loud and soft sounds from the tambourines, maracas, castanets, and handbells.

For this week, Dylan only went to school for 2 days, he is coughing quite badly, and I had took him to see the paediatrician on wednesday when he was diagnosed with bronchitis, I believe he is getting better, hope he recovers soon.

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