07 April 2010

Where are you?

I have so much to say, but nobody wants to listen. It is just so hard to speak my mind, or even if I want to, the moment I open my mouth, instead of people listening to me, I get rebuked at. I wanted to pour out my worries, hoping somebody can help me solve them, or at least lessen the anxiety, but that someone never existed. I just wanted some support, somebody who can lift the weight on my shoulders, but only more weight came adding on. Nobody understands.

Maybe she is right, everybody only looks on the surface, they won’t know how good or bad, or no, they doesn’t even know what is right or wrong, and just based on the surface, throw the penalty, and blame the very person right in front, which happen to be me.

I do not need big time plans, all I need is you tell me how are you going to lead me ahead, but you prefer not to think of anything, not even the very next step. I can’t see further, and cannot see what is ahead, I can’t even dream and have no future to look ahead of. Isn’t life sad when you do not know what you want and have no goals?

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