25 September 2009

School update 22-25 Sep

This week, the children were introduced the last letter of the term which was the letter sound ‘h’ as in horse, house, hello, hands and etc.

Below are some pictures taken during the process of making a scenery of a horse galloping on the grass. The grass effect was done by finger printing and the children coloured the picture of a horse. KUDOS to them as they were also able to identify the letter sound ‘h’ to the picture of a horse.

Some children started working on more complex materials such as the dressing frame, screwing & unscrewing of bolts & nuts and spooning of beans from a bowl to 2 unequal bowls.

For the children who had recently joined us, they practiced rolling and unrolling (mat/rug) and spooning from bowl to identical bowl. We are glad that both Jenna and Joen have settled in well and enjoyed being with their teachers and peers.

We also introduced activities such as cylinder block (all 4) and brown stair as they learned to discriminate, classify and compare.

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