13 November 2009

School update 9-13 Nov

They were very excited when Ms Yana show them ‘Happy Monster Band visits France’ from You tube. They sat attentively while watching the programme. The video clip showed the Eiffel Tower, Mona Lisa, croissant and many more. Parents, perhaps you could let your child watch at home too.

Every week, the children will recap the letter sounds from a - z. This week, they revised the letter sounds c, f & i.

This revision will help them to familiarize with the letter sounds and also to identify the letters accurately.

The children had a fun and exciting time at the zoo on Thursday.

They saw Polar Bear feeding , Orang Utan, Otter, Ostrich and wild animals such as tiger, leopard, cheetah and lion.

They were especially excited when they went to the Kidzworld.

There they saw some domestic animals such as horse, pony, rabbit, goat and etc..

Amazingly the children enjoyed the long walk at the zoo!

Lunch at macdonalds

Makes me feel like going on a zoo outing too.

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