17 February 2009


I had just started work on monday, and I must say it's not easy to maintain the hectic life schedule I have. I sure need some time to adapt and adjust to the life of a working mummy. Sometimes I really can't find the time to do other things like blogging or other recreational activities, and with boy's working hours, we shall end up as hi-bye husband and wife (hahaha). 24 hours is kind of too short for me, somebody give me more time?

My whole day schedule:

7.00 am - Wakes up to make milk for crying Dylan
7.15 am - Pick myself from bed (again) to go bathe
7.35 am - Dress up and prepare for work
7.45 am - Change Dylan's diapers and wear his uniform
7.55 am - Step out of house
8.05 am - Arrive at childcare
8.25 am - Arrive at work
6.00 pm - Knock off
6.10 pm - Pick Dylan from childcare
6.25 pm - Reach home

. dinner
.. housework
... housework
.... laundry
..... housework

11.00 pm Lights off

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow!!! ur schedule seems so muchie "loose-r" than mine.. hais.. i cant even make it to pick up my son from sch... cos am wrkign till 6.30pm @ Jurong Island.. & staying @ Sembawang.. :(